Who is Rare Disorders Society (Singapore)?
Established in 2011, Rare Disorders Society (Singapore) or RDSS is an IPC-status1 charity whose mission is to improve the lives of patients living with rare diseases, and their families. We embrace equity and inclusivity to empower them to live a good quality life.
Our vision is to be an empathetic and effective Patient Organisation. Currently, we care for more than 200 beneficiaries and those living with them, impacting more than 700 lives.
What is rare disease?
Rare disease is rare in terms of prevalence of one type of disease, however, collectively it may not be as rare as you might think. There are currently estimated 300 million people living with a rare disease globally. For the last 5 years, there is estimated 1 rare disease patient discovered from between 10 – 20 families in Singapore.
Rare disease patients often face multiple disabilities and the challenges they face are uniquely complex and often misunderstood.