Established in 1957, the Cerebral Palsy Alliance Singapore (CPAS) was first known as The Spastic Children's Association of Singapore serving children and adults with cerebral palsy and multiple disabilities. Our fully integrated programmes and services cater to the developmental needs of persons with the condition and maximise their functional independence at every stage of life:
1) Early Intervention Programme for Infants and Children (EIPIC) provides early therapy intervention for children aged from a few months to 6 years old who suffer from one or more disabilities.
2) At our CPAS Special EducationSchool, we offer the SPED Curriculum, as recommended by the Ministry of Education. In this curriculum, students pursue learning outcomes in three areas: Living, Learning, Working.
3) Goodwill, Rehabilitation and Occupational Workshop (GROW) is a sheltered workshop that provides vocational training and sheltered employment for adults aged 18 years old and above with Cerebral Palsy and other associated disability conditions.
4) Day Activity Centre (DAC) provides care and skills training to persons with Cerebral Palsy and other associated physical disabilities, aged 18 to 55 years, who are not suitable for sheltered employment or whose family members are unable to take care of them during the day.
Through active advocacy and the support of equal opportunities for all persons with cerebral palsy and multiple disabilities, CPAS hopes to empower these individuals by helping them realise their full potential and lead fulfilled, dignified lives. At present, we look after over 700 clients ranging in age from a few months to 55 years old.


